

Class List of the Student : Vinuthi Dihasa (2275) / Contact No : 778811719
Class ID Teacher Class Free Card Half Card Cutomized Fee Class Fee Attendance Payment Delete
40 WD Wijesiri Grade 10 (2024) - Science (Theory) 0 Rs.900 1 1
146 Hemarsha Indrajith Grade 11 (2024) - Maths (Theory) 0 Rs.1000 1 1
9 Hemarsha Indrajith - Maths (Theory & Paper) 0 Rs.900 1 1
145 WD Wijesiri Grade 11 (2024) - Science (Theory) 0 Rs.1000 1 1
41 - () 0 Rs. 1 1
7 Hemarsha Indrajith Grade 11 (2024) - Maths (Theory (Group Class )) 0 Rs.1000 1 1
6 - () 0 Rs. 1 1